Available .np domain names

Today, while browsing Mercantile’s website to register a domain with .com.np, I found lots and lots of domain extension available over there. I could not stand without sharing with you thinking it would be helpful for any organization or person registering with .np as domain extension. Below is the list of available .np domain names extensions.

.bargains.np Continue reading Available .np domain names

Top 3 websites to gain traffic to your website

There are many websites which bring traffic of visitors to your website which can improve your website’s pagerank and impression to your visitors. Every bloggers and website owners love to attract more and more website visitors so as to expand their business or service or share their feelings. This post shall be covering Top 3 websites to gain traffic to your website. Obviously, those sites are the social networking sites.
Continue reading Top 3 websites to gain traffic to your website

How to Enable custom URL for your YouTube channel ?

As per to the notice from Google, it has enabled for YouTube video creators to use a custom word in their channel name. This may help the users to remember the channel name easily or find other popular channels. This will benefit bot YouTube channels hosts and channel viewers. Here I have mentioned how to Enable custom URL for your YouTube channel. Continue reading How to Enable custom URL for your YouTube channel ?

Canva online photo editor

Canva, online photo editor is one of the most used online photo editors on the internet. Image editors with lots of features are not in reach to layman due to its high pricing and image unavailability etc. Canva has been effective to such person who has less idea of image editing, fewer resources like images, fonts etc. as it has huge resources of free templates, free images, free fonts and shapes.
Continue reading Canva online photo editor

Explore Gadgets

Explore Gadgets is a tech channel on YouTube which has been vlogging from Aug 19, 2012. The channel has been explaining on various factors of the wide range of devices and accessories.Beside the huge compilation of videos on various kind of apps, games they also post informational Videos about electronic gadgets, accessories, mobile unboxing, Mobile technologies, ebooks, comparison of both ios and android apps Games, tutorials etc. It also holds different kinds of promotive give outs. Continue reading Explore Gadgets

Point domain to Tumblr from GoDaddy

Tumblr is an easy micro blogging tool which has been extensively used to share different kinds of information. You can create a free account to write your blog and even point your domain to it and then manage your website via Tumblr’s dashboard. Here, I have tried to compile a simple way to connect one’s domain from GoDaddy to Tumblr.
Steps to Point domain to Tumblr from GoDaddy

– From the list of available domains, Click on the name of the domain you want to point to Tumblr.
– You will be taken to a new page where you need to enter the IP of Tumblr(ie across the @ sign as shown below. Continue reading Point domain to Tumblr from GoDaddy

Small changes to be more consistent in blogging

Everyone may think what can be done routinely so as to expand his/her blog. Every one has their own daily chores and duties so, one cannot manage the blog in regular manner. Like others, I too have same problem due to which my blogging has not been consistent and regular so feels like losing effectiveness and viewers. I have come up with plans to undergo a continuous small changes to be more consistent in blogging and ultimately regain the visitors of the past. Continue reading Small changes to be more consistent in blogging

Mind Swings

Every now and then mind swings between different concerns at times whenever there is some opportunity to move ahead in career. One cannot simply choose only one work or job in career path for a long time as it seems the destination to be far away even though he or she have achieved which was destined earlier.

Fulfilling every project and every opportunity pushes the destination further ahead and ultimately we have to move ahead more fiercely along maintaining priorities. During this one may feel to break down and think he or she cannot take any more but I think one should not be dilemma in this state and keep engaged with the new requirements. Let me know your thoughts if you have undergone similar mind swings and what motivated you at that situation.

Mastering the Craft of Writing

Recently, I have started a habit of reading books. Usually, I read while travelling to work and before sleeping. I pick books randomly, and often I am pleasantly surprised by the books. Please find my first book review of Sharebata Karodpati from here. This month I started reading the book “Mastering the Craft of Writing: How to Write With Clarity, Emphasis, and Style”.  I have not finished reading , however, it didn’t stop me from writing this review.

As an occasional blogger, I often struggle with my writing. As such, I am happy that I bumped into this book. This book is simple to read. Continue reading Mastering the Craft of Writing

Comfort Zone

We may have heard a lot that We cannot succeed till we are in Comfort Zone. So, what really is comfort zone beyond which we can kiss the reward of our actions and feel the growth?

Comfort Zone is a state where you are in a safe zone which follows what others have been following, doing the work in others pattern and get the same result that others have been getting. It will comfort your mind because you will not have to experience turmoil as somebody else has face it before you and have developed a way out to it. You just need to follow other’s path but beyond comfort zone you will have to face the unexpected , uncomfortable things on every steps and every moment. Continue reading Comfort Zone